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[RIM Intelligence] Notice of Rim Data File Renewal


RIM Intelligence Co.

Notice of Rim Data File Renewal

 We at Rim Intelligence will revamp the Rim Data File from June. Besides the existing crude and petroleum products data, we plan to make the data file more comprehensive by adding LPG, LNG and petrochemical data as well. We will also include tables and graphs for easy reference. For more details, please refer to following table of contents. We believe that with more items added, the revamped Data File will find a wider scope of use.

For inquiries, please contact the Rim Data File team at:

Tel: 81-3-3552-2411

Fax: 81-3-3552-2415


Data file issued on the 5th of the month: Price assessments
Crude OSP for Asia
Term Price Formula
OSP spread to Dubai/Oman average
-Graph- Saudi Crude oil OSP Formula
Spot Crude assesment -Tokyo-
-Graph- Dubai, Qatar Marine., Murban soread
-Graph- Minas, Duri, Widuri vs BFO 2nd line
Tapis, Bach Ho, BL, Cabinda vs DTD Brent (premium/discount)
Phisical Crude premium/discount
OPEC Basket - weekly average
OPEC Basket - monthly average
OPEC Basket - Quarterly average
Petroleum Futures NYMEX, ICE
WTI, Brent, Dubai prices
NYMEX WTI settlement price
-Oil Products-
Singapore Paper Swaps
Singapore Crack Margins (Against Dubai Crude Oil, in $/bbl)
FOB Singapore Product Cargo Prices
FOR Singapore Physical Product Premiums
FOB South Korea Cargo Prices
FOB South Korea Cargo Premiums
FOB Taiwan Cargo Prices
FOB Taiwan Cargo Premiums
FOB Japan Cargoe Prices
FOB Japan Cargo Premiums
FOB AG Product Cargo Prices
FOB AG Product Cargo Premiums
FOB Indonesia Mixed/Cracked LSWR Cargo Prices
FOB Indonesia Mixed/Cracked LSWR Cargo Premiums
CFR China Cargo Prices
CFR China Cargo Premiums
CFR China Cargo Domestic Prices (Yuan/mt)
CFR Japan Cargo Prices
CFR Japan Cargo Premiums
Yen/Dollar Exchange Rates
Japan Domestic Spot Products
TOCOM Energy Futures (FOB Tokyo Bay Refinery / Primary Storage in Yen/Kl)
Marine Fuel /Diesel Oil
-Graph- FOB prices for 0.001S gasoil in Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
LS Fuel Oil CFR Japan VS Japan Domestic price
FOB AG prices (refrigerated propane and butane)
CFR Japan prices (refrigerated propane and butane)
CFR China prices (refrigerated propane and butane
RIM Index
Japanese domestic prices (barge)
Japanese domestic prices (truck)
VLGC freight
FOB South China (pressurized)
FOB Southeast Asia (pressurized)
CFR Vietnam (pressurized)
Pressurized freight
Chinese domestic prices (South China, East China, North China, Northeast China)
-Graphs- Aramco CP vs (RIM Index - freight)
Spot LNG & freight assessment
-Graph- RIM vs NBP vs Henry Hub (Graph)
DES Northeast Asia (NE) vs Middle East vs India vs Europe
Freight conventional vs DFDE
Freight Middle East/NE vs Atlantic/NE vs Middle East vs Europe
Aromatics monthly average price
Olefins monthly average price -CFR North east asia
Olefins monthly average price -CFR South east asia
Polymers monthly average price -CFR China and FOB North east asia
-Graph- Benzene margin over Naphtha
-Graph- Toluene margin over Naphtha
Polyolefins monthly average price -CFR South east asia
China domestic petrochemicals monthly average price
Monthly contract price- Benzene ACP & USCP, Paraxylene ACP
-Graph- Ethylene margin over Naphtha
-Graph- Propylene margin over Naphtha

Data file issued on the 15th of the month: Transactions
North Sea/Africa/America Crude transactions
A.G. Crude transactions
Asian Crude transactions
-Oil Products-
Asia Products Cargo Transactions
FOB AG refrigerated transactions
CFR Asia refrigerated transactions
Asia pressurized transactions
Spot transactions
Term transactions
Aromatics market transactions
Olefins market transactions

Data file issued on the 25th of the month: Statistics
Crude imports into Japan by grades
-Graph- Crude imports by region
-Graph- month 2013 Middle Eastern Crude Imports by Country
-Graph- month 2013 Asia/Oceania Crude Imprts by country
Crude imports into Japan by country
Crude Imports price into Japan - Japan Crude Cocktail
-Graph- Crude Imported Price
-Oil Products-
Petroleum Imports into Japan
CIF of LPG imported into Japan
LPG imports into Japan by country
LPG imports into Japan by country
LPG imports into Japan by country
Total LPG imports into Japan for
Total LPG imports into Japan for
-Graph- LPG imports into Japan by country
LNG imports into Japan by country
-Graph- Japan LNG import volume
-Graph- Unit price of Japan's LNG imports
Petrochemicals exports from Japan by products
- Graph - Japan olefins export volume
- Graph - Japan aromatics export volume
Petrochemicals imports into Japan by products
- Graph - Japan polyethylene import volume
- Graph - Japan EDC and PET import volume