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Afternoon Market Compass time moving to 17:00 hours Tokyo time



RIM Intelligence Co.

Afternoon Market Compass time moving to 17:00 hours Tokyo time

Starting May 12, Rim Intelligence will be publishing the afternoon Market Compass update at 17:00 hours local Tokyo time instead of 14:00 hours. The new publication time will allow us to incorporate in the update activity that takes place at the start of the trading day in London (16:00 hours Tokyo time) as well as broaden the number of sources we collect information from with regards to market movements to provide our readers with a more informative update to crude prices. The morning Market Compass publication time will remain unchanged at 11:00 hours.

Rim Intelligence launched the Market Compass in June of 2013 with a focus of providing timely information for crude oil markets in a format that allows readers to quickly grasp reasons for price changes. To date, feedback from our subscribers with regards to the twice-daily update has been positive. Rim Intelligence will continue to work to improve upon the Market Compass as well as all other daily market reports and up-to-date news and information provided through our web-based service, Asia Energy Links. Rim Intelligence will continue to provide market information in a concise, comprehensive and easy to follow format in hopes that our readers will make the Rim suite of products their go-to source on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, In October of 2013, Rim Intelligence launched the Rim Energy Composite Index 22 (RECX-22), an index that is composed of and calculated from Japan domestic prices for energy products. The RECX-22 index is the first of its kind in Japan and provides users of the index a means to grasp overall changes to energy prices.

For Inquiries, please contact the Rim Intelligence Market Compass Team

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