About Rim Intelligence
We are a price reporting company providing information on energy markets including crude oil, petroleum products, LPG, LNG, petrochemicals, power, clean energy such as hydrogen and ammonia, biomass. Our information sources are from a wide spectrum of players across the energy industry. Having a knowledge about energy helps in understanding the economy. Make use of the wealth of information from Rim to enhance your interest in energy.
RIM Reports
Energy Press (Quarterly) (Japanese only)
Issued quarterly, this report covers the market for fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal, trade statistics, changes in the structure of energy markets within and outside Japan including oil, gas and power. With the world moving towards decarbonization, the report also covers the latest information on renewable energy such as hydrogen, ammonia and bioenergy. -
Biomass (weekly)
This weekly report covers prices and supply/demand of biomass used for power generation, including FOB Southeast Asia and CFR Japan prices for wood pellets and palm kernel shells (PKS). It also provides information on prices of wood chips produced in Japan and operating conditions of power plants in Japan. -
Clean Energy (weekly) (Japanese only)
With the pace of decarbonization accelerating, this weekly report focuses on clean energy such as ammonia, a potential fuel for power generation, and hydrogen where hydrogen station networks are being developed. The report also covers urea water and the market environmental credits such as J-Credit. -
Liquid Biofuels (weekly) (Japanese only)
The Liquid Biofuels report was launched in October 2024 covering price assessments and market movements of liquid biofuels produced from feedstocks such as agricultural crops and used cooking oil. The report includes prices of feedstocks such as ethanol and used cooking oil and biobunkers, and also the latest market movements of more environmentally friendly fuels such as biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). -
Cross View Gasoil (2 times/month) (Japanese only)
Published twice monthly, this report on gasoil provides various statistics and information affecting gasoil demand including logistics and travel. It includes the latest movements in markets within and outside Japan, environmental regulations, the use of biodiesel and new businesses and reorganization of Japanese refiners, trading houses and wholesalers. -
Cross View Fuel Oil (2 times/month) (Japanese only)
Published twice monthly, this report on fuel oil focuses on various statistics, the latest movements in markets within and outside Japan, tenders, asphalt and lubricants. Due to strong interest from market players on marine fuels, the report also includes valuable information on bunker fuels such as market movements within and outside Japan, environmental regulations and next generation fuels. -
Bunker Oil (daily)
This daily report provides spot prices and information on supply/demand, sales volumes and port conditions at major ports in Asia (such as Japan, South Korea, China and Singapore), the Middle East, Europe and the US. It also covers bio-bunkers and LNG bunkers in Europe and Asia, as well as fuels such as ammonia, methanol and hydrogen. -
Crude/Condensate (daily)
This daily report provides prices and information on supply/demand of crude and condensates across a wide range of regions including the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the US. It also includes benchmarks such as Murban from Abu Dhabi on ICE Futures Abu Dhabi (IFAD), Dubai and Dated Brent. Rim prices are used as a benchmark in official selling prices such as in Indonesia. -
Products (daily)
This daily report covers prices and supply/demand of petroleum products in Northeast Asia, Singapore and the Middle East. Import and export prices for Japan are also included, making it easy to compare with Japan domestic prices. The report also provides run rates and new about refineries in South Korea, Taiwan, China and Singapore. -
LPG (daily)
This daily report covers spot prices and supply/demand of propane and butane within and outside Japan. It provides a wealth of information including prices at supply sources such as the Middle East and the US and at consuming regions such as Japan, China, South Korea in the Far East, as well as freight costs for transporting LPG. -
Lorry Rack (daily) (Japanese only)
This daily report provides spot prices for petroleum products from refineries and storage terminals in the Japan domestic truck market. It covers market trade from various perspectives including refiners, wholesalers and retailers. Products covered include gasoline, kerosene, gasoil, A fuel oil and LSA fuel oil. Regions covered include Hokkaido, Sendai, Chiba, Yashio, Kawasaki, Yokohama, Chukyo, Hanshin, Shikoku and Fukuoka. -
Japan Products (daily) (Japanese only)
This daily report provides spot prices for petroleum products from refineries and storage terminals in the Japan domestic barge market. It covers information on trade conducted by refineries and trading houses, transportation to secondary terminals, refinery troubles, and the situation on imports. Products covered include gasoline, kerosene, gasoil, A fuel oil 0.5%S and 0.1%S, C fuel oil 0.3%S and 3.0%S for industrial use and bunker fuel oil 0.5%S and 3.0%S. -
Petrochemicals (daily)
This daily report provides spot prices and information on supply/demand and facility problems for base chemicals such as aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene) and olefins (ethylene, propylene, butadiene), and also polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It also includes trade statistics for major petrochemical products in Japan, China and South Korea. -
Polyolefins (daily)
This daily report provides spot prices and information on supply/demand and facility problems for feedstock olefins (ethylene, propylene, butadiene) and polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. It also includes trades statistics in Japan, China and South Korea, as well as movements in the olefin and polyolefin markets in Japan. -
LNG (daily)
This daily report covers the international LNG market in detail. Rim conducts daily surveys on the market where trade is carried out by various players such as gas producers, traders and power and gas companies. The report also provides information on supply/demand of natural gas, conditions at import terminals and freight costs for transporting LNG. -
Power (daily)
Electricity is playing an increasing important role towards decarbonization. The Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX) and the European Energy Exchange (EEX)’s futures markets are also expanding. This daily report provides information on these markets. In addition, it covers a wide range of topics including operating conditions of power plants in Japan, the forward curve for power, and buy and sell tenders conducted by public agencies.