India to increase ethanol blending in petrol
The Indian government aims to blend up to 20% ethanol in petrol sold across the country by 2025. Until 2014, the ratio of ethanol blending was only 1.53% but the ratio is expected to jump to 15% in 2024. The goal of achieving 20% was originally set to be in 2030, but the government will advance the target by five years as ethanol usage in the country is increasing more than expected.
Ethanol can be chemically synthesized from ethylene contained in crude oil or natural gas, or manufactured by fermenting plant-derived raw materials. The Indian government, which is working on decarbonization, is aiming to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by expanding the blend of ethanol and slashing the use of fossil fuels. Furthermore, it is believed that increasing the consumption of domestically produced ethanol and reducing fossil fuel imports will make it possible to improve the health of national finances.